A competency is a skill, area of knowledge, ability or behavioural characteristic that is associated with high performance. Competencies are used as one of the foundational pieces for proficiency in the Career Framework in conjunction with core duties and specific job related skills and knowledge. We know that career success is both about what you do (applying technical knowledge, skills and ability) along with how you do it (the consistent behaviours you demonstrate ) while interacting and communicating with others at work. Our framework recognizes twelve competencies identified by the Gartner Group when they performed a study on common competencies across the IT profession regardless of industry or geographic location.
In today’s fast-paced environment IT needs to partner with our clients and provide business solutions. That requirement demands two things of IT at UBC. Firstly we must understand business needs. Secondly we must collaborate with a variety of individuals having different perspectives and skills that can be brought to bear on a business problem or need. Effective communication is critical to delivering superior results. To this end, we have selected three core competencies which exist in all our IT positions:
- Communicating for Results
- Problem Solving
- Collaboration
Job Ladder & Competency Matrix
In addition to the three core competencies, we have defined three role-based competencies specific to each Career Ladder. These were identified and defined by representative staff members who are managing and doing the work categorized by each of the thirteen ladders. Here is how the competencies line up by career ladder.
Competency Proficiency Definitions
For each of the competencies, we have defined a level of proficiency based on the position within a specific Career Ladder. There are five levels of proficiencies:
- Being Developed:
the individual demonstrates a minimal use of the competency and is currently developing it - Basic:
the individual demonstrates limited use of a competency and requires additional training to apply without assistance or frequent supervision - Intermediate:
the individual demonstrates a working or functional proficiency level which enables the competency to be exercised effectively (has working or functional command of the competency) - Advanced:
the individual demonstrates in depth proficiency level ; is able to assist, consult or lead others in the application of a competency - Expert:
the individual demonstrates broad, in-depth proficiency; is recognized as an authority or master performer in exercising the competency
Here you will find a complete list of the competencies contained in the Career Framework, along with the definition for each of the proficiency levels.