Leading the Organization

  • Carries out the organizational strategy in alignment with the University’s strategic imperatives
  • Demonstrates a clear understanding of the internal and external priorities, industry trends, emerging technologies, and economic viability that shape its stakeholders’ views. 
Proficiency Levels – What it looks like

Being Developed





Contributes to and generates support for work group operating plan.


Understands and conveys departmental vision to staff and stakeholders.

Develops a clear service plan that outlines the outcomes, key steps, responsibilities and expected time lines for completion to reach unit goals and further the organization and the University’s objectives.

Promotes an aligned perspective of the organization and the broader University community.

Understands the projected direction of technology in the marketplace and how changes will impact the University and its learning and research environments.

Keeps abreast of developments in other parts of the organization.

Understands UBC and departmental commitments, goals and strategies and how they align with and guide daily operations. 

Communicates a collective purpose, creates a clear line of sight to the organization’s value proposition, and ensures alignment with the University’s goals and strategies.

Fosters and leverages a strategic view to address complex business issues.

Champions the use of strategic alliances that align with the organization’s and the University’s goals to extend organizational impact.

Prioritizes work in alignment with the unit’s and the University’s core values, goals and strategies.

Sets realistic service expectations within given constraints.

Engages in ongoing data collection to ensure that decisions are aligned with best practice.

Establishes clear service expectations and outcomes based on organizational strategy.

Provides support for implementation of the organization’s strategic direction and adjusts as necessary to maintain high quality service.

Accepts responsibility for the effective delivery of service.

Makes decisions that align with best practices and the organization’s core values.


Takes corrective action to ensure ongoing availability of critical services.

Promotes a climate of continuous transformation that will keep the organization and the University agile and “best in class”.





Maintains and develops an effective network of both technical and business contacts that provides information and intelligence around the market, emergent opportunities, and best practices.


What it doesn’t look like

  • Falling short on the delivery of commitments
  • Deferring responsibility or ownership for the standards of delegated work
  • Lacking awareness of required standards for deliverables
  • Is not able to articulate and effectively plan activities that are in line with organizational goals and objectives
  • Does not leverage skillets, tools, technology, or work teams  to advance operations
  • Does not proactively correct issues affecting critical services

Questions to Consider

  • What is standing in the way of me delivering my best performance?
  • What steps can I take to ensure my Manager/Team Lead/Staff and I are on the same page with expectations?
  • What is preventing me from engaging in practices that advance the organization and operational strategies
  • How are the tasks that I delegated progressing? Are my staff succeeding and delivering the desired results? What questions do they have?

Learning and Development Activities

Choose one or two activities that support your preferred learning style

Activities by learning style







Suggestions for activities you can do on the job


  • Are there some tasks you know you avoid? If so, list the reasons why and address them one at a time.
  • Self-reflect on opportunities within your team and your colleagues for strategic support to achieve outcomes
  • Get closer to the work of your staff to better understand requirements, obstacles, and gaps that prevent you from achieve desired results

With Peers

  • Work with colleagues to strategize Operational requirements and planning; discuss together ideas of what could be done differently to achieve the required outcomes.
  • Stay active in the greater UBC community as it pertains to your role, the tools and technology you use, and strategic relationships required

With your Manager/Team Lead

  • Ensure you are clear on UBC and UBC IT’s strategic direction and how they correlate to the work you are responsible for.
  • Ensure you have clear metrics or tools to assess performance against desired outcomes

Listening and Observing


Here are some ideas that can be pursued on the job, with some coordination. Use these reflective questions to gain more from your learning experience:

  • What are three key things I have learned from this experience?
  • What will I do differently in my work as a result of this experience?

Who do you know that is effective in getting things done well, on time and within budget? Observe what this person does that makes them effective and efficient. Ask what processes they use and how they deal with unexpected events.

Training Programs

UBC Training Programs offered through Organization Development and Learning:

  • In-Powering: Making Sense of your Talents and Strengths
  • Insights into Personal Effectiveness
  • It’s About Time: Set Your Compass

For UBCO course offerings, please visit the Events page. http://web.ubc.ca/okanagan/facultystaff/events.html

Consider working with a coach following training, to aid in anchoring your learning: http://www.hr.ubc.ca/coaching/


Choose to read one or two of the books listed below. Consider the reflective questions to enhance your learning:

  • What are the key points the author is making?
  • What are three key things I have learned from this reading?
  • What will I do differently in my work as a result of gaining this knowledge?


Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Personal Workbook; (2003) by S. R. Covey; Fireside. This individualized workbook teaches readers to fully internalize the 7 Habits through private and thought-provoking exercises, whether they are already familiar with the principles or not.


Accountability: Freedom and Responsibility Without Control; (2002), R. Lebow & R. Spitzer; Berrett-Koehler Publishers. This book shows how to get people in organizations to be more personally accountable for high performance in their work and for the success of the organization – without resorting to the traditional management systems that rely on control and manipulation.

Additional Questions

Please contact your Human Resources Representative with any additional questions.

Summary of Links

