Welcome to the UBC IT Career Framework
Our university’s IT organization is among the second to largest in the province of British Columbia, providing a great breadth and depth of opportunities within the IT field for both prospective employees and existing staff members.
Once you’ve chosen your career goals, we can help you identify opportunities, assess, develop and plan your career in IT at UBC. Have a look at the following topics to find more information about building your career here:
Career Framework
The framework includes the specifics of job positions and classifications.
Competencies Matrix
Find out what specific role based skills are unique to each career ladder.
Career Management
Learn what steps you can take and tools you can use to start planning and building a career in IT at UBC.
Success Stories
Staff within IT at UBC have built their careers at UBC in many different ways and starting off points.
Build a Career Framework
Learn how we built the Career Framework and get resources and tools to build your own.
Career Framework FAQs
Answers to frequently asked questions from prospective employees and current staff.